09 May Tackling Legacy K-12 Paper Records this Summer
While summer’s a great time to relax and recover from the previous school year, savvy superintendents and directors of pupil personnel (DPPs) in Kentucky use the time to tackle legacy paper records, especially if you have a little extra budget.
- If not addressed, student records, employee files, teacher certifications, invoices, and other business records sitting in your basement or mechanical shed represent a liability for every school district.
- If successfully addressed, this liability goes away, along with filing cabinets and offsite storage, and school districts can gain hundreds of hours of productivity – and who couldn’t use that?
Whatever your situation, scanning legacy paper records doesn’t have to be a headache. Below are two headache-free options.
Scan It: You Do It
Whether interns, temps or entry level staff, we can set you up so that your team can scan all of your legacy paper records with a high-speed document scanner, capture software and an easy process in which to name and index files so you can find them later. We can also set you up with cloud document management software, which is the most inexpensive way to find and retrieve these documents over time (requires no capital expense).
Outsource It: We Do It
If you don’t want to bother with the people, software, hardware, and process involved with an onsite document scanning project, simply outsource the scanning to us. We’ll pick up your records (even box them up if you need help), scan them here, index them, and provide you with the electronic document images in any format needed along with the indexing information. We can provide them on electronic media (flash drives, DVDs etc.), FTP them or upload them into cloud document management software.
Instant Access to All School Records
Once scanned, you will have incredibly fast access to any and all of the following documents:
Student Records
Board Minutes
Employee & Personnel Files
Business Records
Easier than You Think
We’ve worked with dozens of school districts across Kentucky since 1994, so we know how easy it can be to scan all of your records even if the prospect appears daunting. Can’t get it into this year’s budget? Think of next year’s instead and let’s get a pick-up on the schedule. Either way, just think of what life can like for you and your staff once these legacy paper records are digitized once and for all.
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