Medical Claims Processing Service

The Next Evolution Is Here

Outsource Your Paper Claim Headaches To ICS

Increased quality and efficiency at every step!

Are you a healthcare payer or plan that is struggling to continually manage your paper claim capture process? You have come to the right place. Many healthcare payers still rely on an in-house staff to manually scan and key data from paper claims, which is a process that is labor intensive and prone to errors. In a time when healthcare costs continue to rise, many are looking for new ways to increase operation efficiency, decrease their overhead, and mitigate risk. ICS has just the solution you are looking for.


ICS has decades of experience capturing and processing healthcare claims for our customers. ICS has optimized both the CMS 1500 and UB04 form types for efficient data capture. Utilizing industry leading ultra-high-speed scanning coupled with AI powered data capture built on top-of-the-line Intelligent Capture software ICS has overcome the challenge of converting paper claims into electronic data (EDI). Our paper claims processing service allows ICS to process your claims with data accuracy rates of greater that 99% and turnaround times guaranteed to meet your organization’s needs. Take a look at our process below to learn more about how we handle your claims.

The Process

Mailroom Intake

ICS has the ability to handle all incoming claim types (CMS 1500, UB04, etc.), attachments, and correspondence. Even non-standard forms.

Claim Tracking

We track every paper claim from the time they are received in the mailroom through to EDI output.


ICS utilizes ultra-high-speed scanning to digitize all claims and attachments. The ability to incorporate in-line barcode reads at scan time allows ICS speed up document processing times and reduce the number of manual mailroom sorts.

Business Rules

Every field on a claim can be customized to meet each insurance payer’s need for how they require the data to be processed. The implementation of business rules ensures cleaner data is transmitted into your adjudication system and backend business processing. ICS works with each customer individually to understand how they expect the data to be captured and exported. We customize each claim’s capture job to meet the needs of our customer, we understand no two insurance payers processing claims exactly the same.

Member & Provider Matching

Mismatched member and provider data are a leading cause of claim rejections for many payers. ICS provides member and provider matching logic which compares the claim data to a payer’s extract files to validate the data in real time as the claim is being processed. This ensure the data is valid and formatted correctly to be ingested by your adjudication system, thus reducing the number of pending claims and increasing auto-adjudication rates.

Claim Export

ICS works with each client to customize an 837 to be automatically ingested by their backend claim adjudication system. This allows claim data to be automatically processed and reduce the number of claim touchpoints for the client reducing the over all cost of processing claims.

Learn More About Our Paper To EDI Process

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