Capture Analytics

Efficiently and Effectively Verify the Impact of Changes to Advance Recognition Projects

Capture Analytics

Capture Analytics provides Intelligent Capture users the ability to efficiently and effectively verify the impact of their changes to Advance Recognition projects.

Intelligent Capture from OpenText is an industry leading process automation and data capture software that provides organizations the ability to automatically classify and extract important data elements from their business documents. While this tool provides an incredible solution to those needing to capture vast amounts of information in an efficient manner, it does fall short in providing a mechanism to understand how changes made to the system will impact the overall process.


Currently Intelligent Capture does not provide a simple way to test the effectiveness of changes made to the Advance Recognition Project, leading to increased risk and manual testing time. That is why ICS developed Capture Analytics, a simple and easy to use tool that provides end users the ability to quickly see the impact their changes have made on the capture flow process.


Capture Analytics is a process that provides developers and testers the ability to verify changes to Open Text Intelligent Capture Advance Recognition Projects efficiently and effectively. Allowing the two teams to work together to mitigate inherent risks in making changes to the Recognition Projects. Capture Analytics also provides the option to test Data Cleanup and Keying behavior for the end users.

Benefits of Capture Analytics


  • Provides an efficient repeatable review process of changes
  • Makes Data Capture change verification achievable by all business units
  • Grants business units the ability to weigh the net effect of a change to Data Capture
  • Makes it possible to test thousands of images within seconds
  • Provides confidence in the changes being promoted
  • Greatly reduces risk inherent in Recognition Project and Field Capture changes
  • Vastly reduces the amount time previously required to test system changes

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