
Powerful Reporting Power within OpenText Intelligent Capture


Information Capture Solution unmatched reporting power to OpenText Intelligent Capture with CapReport

Standard Intelligent Capture reports are valuable and provide useful information regarding system performance. However, out of the box OpenText Intelligent Capture reporting does not provide the robust and detailed information required by many companies for auditing, production analysis, or export monitoring.


Information Capture Solutions has filled this void with CapReport. CapReport is an intuitive reporting database built for Intelligent Capture and designed to provide OpenText Intelligent Capture users with detailed reports currently unavailable in the standard reporting interface.   Leveraging SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), CapReport users can now monitor and report on all aspects of their capture environment providing never before had analytics on system throughputs, operator speeds and accuracy, document/batch tracking, along with export and reject tracking.  Reports can be scheduled and automatically delivered via email using the built-in scheduling feature within SSRS.

Benefits Summary

CapReport provides OpenText Intelligent Capture users with secure web-based access to the data and information organizations need to more effectively manage their personnel and data capture environment. CapReport fills the gap where standard reporting falls short and allows users to store and access information currently unavailable in the base install of OpenText Intelligent Capture. CapReport allows organizations to unlock and understand the full potential of their capture environment.

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