Universities & Higher Education

The Next Evolution Is Here

Universities & Higher Education

As a leading provider of document management solutions, ICS has helped many different higher education clients deploy document management technologies.

Higher education continues to face cost pressures across the entire organization. Doing more with less is not just a one-time thought, it is an ongoing mantra. Document management solutions provide the ability to gain measurable cost savings over many years, making it easier to focus precious resources on students rather than administrative processes. Beginning with a single department, or a single process, document management solutions result in permanent and measurable cost reductions. Cost reduction areas include, but are not limited to, reduced printing expenses, lower document storage costs and improved information availability.


Our clients begin at any number of different departments, whether it’s admissions, human resources, facilities management or accounting. The end result is improved management or elimination of paper based records and processes, directly impacting an educational institution’s bottom line.


Let us share our higher education client success stories with you so you can learn how these document management solutions saved them thousands of dollars within the first six months of deployment.

Learn More About Our Paper To EDI Process

Client Testimoninals

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