14 Aug Digital Mailroom for the Modern Organization
Digital Mailroom, Mailroom Outsourcing, or Virtual Mailroom, this service goes by many names but one thing is for sure and that’s the growing number of organizations who are realizing the true benefits of outsourcing their mailroom operations. For larger organizations such as medical or dental payers, the mailroom can easily become a cumbersome task with the large amount of incoming mail and claims they are receiving on a daily basis. Many organizations are even turning to temps or staffing agencies to fill the needed operators for their mailroom. This can easily lead to uncertainty in work quality and scheduling as turnover is often high. Not to mention the management and overhead it takes to run this portion of your business. If you are in need of an overhaul in your mailroom, looking for ways to increase your bottom line, or you simply no longer want to be in the “business” of opening mail, a digital mailroom solution can be an effective and cost savvy approach to streamline the flow of information throughout your organization.
The correspondence and information you receive via the mail is vital to your organization and the decisions it drives. Having an outdated or heavily manual mailroom intake process can drastically hinder the speed in which that information is delivered to the proper personnel or department. Not to mention, misplaced or lost documentation can spell a disaster for any organization, large or small, and cause unneeded headaches.
A digital mailroom solution can act as an enterprise wide front door for your incoming mail and take the chaos out of routing this information to the correct channels. The right vendor coupled with a robust capture product such as OpenText’s Captiva Advanced Recognition, can have your mail and documents extracted, prepped, sorted, scanned, and exported back to you with a turn-around time of less than 24 hours typically. The information you need can be easily extracted from the documents using OCR technology and distributed to the correct departments or personnel quickly and securely.
This information can be exported in almost any format to virtually any document repository or content management solution, such as OpenText’s ApplicationXtender. Workflows can be easily implemented as a part of this solution to ensure documents such as invoices, purchase orders, or insurance claims are escalated to the correct decision makers so they can be worked and approved quickly. Coupling an effective Digital Mailroom and content management solution in an Accounts Payable department for example, provides the additional benefit of streamlining your revenue management cycle often giving you access to early payment discounts that may not have been realized with a slower manual process.
With the addition of an enterprise content management solution or backend document repository your employees can have access to their mail and the documentation at any time in one secure location. Mail can be segregated by department or even document type, with secure access that is customizable on the individual user level. So, you can rest assured the integrity of your information is maintained as employees are only viewing the documents that you grant them access to.
If you are looking for a cost-effective way to gain efficiencies in the flow of information within your organization, or even within just one department, consider the option of outsourcing your mailroom to a Digital Mailroom provider and realize the benefits of a quicker turnaround for your mail. You will give your employees the tools they need to do their jobs and serve your clients more efficiently, they and your customers will thank you.
If you have any additional questions on what to look for in an effective digital mailroom solution feel free to reach out to ICS, we would be happy to assist. Headquartered in London, KY, Information Capture Solutions (ICS) is an award-winning Enterprise Content Management and Data Capture Solutions provider, delivering value and professional IT service expertise to our clients throughout the United States.
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